Savannah, TN

Matthew 28:19-20 ESV
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
We have constantly striven to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ by finding ways to serve others and evangelize; not only in our local community, but abroad as well. Our focus is not only sending and supporting long term missionaries but also to providing those in our congregation training and opportunities to experience mission work through a variety of short-term mission projects. Over the years, these mission efforts have touched countless lives on five continents.
Some of this work is featured online. Click here to go direct to the information or scroll below.

History: Steve Worley began working in Nigeria in 1989. Steve and his wife Dee have labored there for many years alongside Dr. Aguh and his wife Rachel. Bro. Worley and Dr. Aguh were instrumental in the establishment of the School of Biblical Studies. Together with their fellow workers they have been able to see a tremendous growth in the Nigerian church. Bro. Worley has also been able to begin works in Uganda, Chad, and the Niger Republic.
Chuck Cordon joined the team in 2019. Their work is overseen by the Savannah church of Christ in Savannah, TN.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Our Missions Africa team has a wonderful, separate site available to keep everyone updated on their work. Please visit:
For the past 20+ years, the congregation has been active in efforts in Bucharest, Romania.
Originally led Dale and Imogene McAnulty (Abilene, TX), Jackie Watson and Pam Fondren were the primary Savannah leaders of the ministry, which focused on providing resources for the orphanages of Romania.
Members prepared "ShoeBox" gifts every year. Due to issues with International Customs, we now give money toward the effort.
This ministry also focuses on medical relief, specifically medial supplies and burn relief. A special contribution to the work in honor of Sherry House, of Savannah, resulted in a special addition to the burn unit at the hospital in Romania.
Jackie Watson, Jenny Watson, Pam Fondren, Matthew Balentine, Don Doran, Tammy Doran, Ben Doran, Sam Doran, Sheila Gean, Denise Rinks, Tammy Bishop, Pat Williams, Christa Pilkington, and Monnie DeBerry have all made trips overseas to minister to this effort.

We currently do not have any members from Savannah serving in Paraguay, but it is a special part of our history.
A new mission effort with Ethan & Ashley Hardin and Enoch Rinks began in Asuncion, Paraguay in 2003. Within a year, they acquired and renovated a facility which had 160+ people for the first service in September 2004. Soon after, the missions team grew to include other members of the Savannah (and Hardin) Family--- including Josh Hardin and Perry Hardin.
Each of the original team members have not returned to 'The States and remain active in Missions work in various ways. The Igelsia De Cristo Asunción (of Asunción Paraguay) is alive and well today.
Visit the Asunción Church of Christ on Facebook-- Iglesia de Cristo Asunción
Our congregation is an active sponsor of Mauri and Kayla Yegros, who are active leaders in a Spanish ministry/congregation just outside of Miami, Florida.
Mauri's family has a beautiful history with our congregation> They served a pivotal role in our mission efforts in Paraguay, where he lived at the time.
For more information, please check-out the Mission Updates below.

UNITED STATES + ABROAD: Evangelism University
EVANGELISM UNIVERSITY (EU) is an intense weekend of in-depth and practical evangelism training, hosted by the Savannah congregation, typically held at Hardin County High School each Martin Luther King holiday weekend. An average of 1300+ teens and chaperones attend the event-- the majority of which stay in the homes of our members.
Classes equip students with skills to share the Good News with their friends, as well as increase their knowledge of mission works at home and abroad. Elective classes give young people the opportunity to learn about areas of evangelism most pertinent to their lives.

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