young adults
The Pathfinders’ class is generally made up of college students* and young adults. Besides being a Sunday school class, the Pathfinders’ group is a social and support group for each other. The Pathfinders meet once a month in a home or at the church building for food, fellowship, and fun times together.
The Pathfinders’ group also organizes and carries out a Christmas party for children in the Carl Perkins organization and participates in various benevolent programs.
College + Young Professionals
While still being a part of the Pathfinders class, the College/Young Professionals also holds classes throughout the year. At such a time of transition, we gladly welcome those who have decided to further their studies, those who have chosen to begin their careers, and those who are trying to answer the question, "What Next?" Recent classes have focused on a chapter-by-chapter study of the Books of John, Ruth, Judges, and First Samuel.